Watch our Next Steps video to learn more about baptism.
After we've made our stand to say “yes” to Jesus
as Lord, baptism is the next step. It’s a public celebration and proclamation of the change that has happened in our lives. In baptism we participate in a picture of our own spiritual transformation. We are buried like Christ was buried and raised in the likeness of His resurrection. Baptism is part of our journey to become more like Jesus. It doesn't solve all of our problems or remove all of our old habits, but through baptism, we become more like Him.
"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
– Romans 6:4-5

Learn about your next steps after baptism in this video.
It's each believer's own responsibility to continue growing in faith after baptism. Although the Church is here to help, you have to make the tough choices to walk out of the habits and hang ups that have hindered your relationships with God and others. In doing so, you also need to walk into some new practices that will help you continue to grow.
Spend 10 minutes every day listening to the Father’s voice and receiving from Him
Joining a small group allows you to be fully connected with us
We all have unique roles God has created us to fulfill within our world